About Daria Shelton


"I no longer have to choose my content production background over my strategic marketing talent -- strategic content has become paramount for media organizations."

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I have a rare background. 

I started my career in marketing in financial services as an Analyst for American Express before I caught the media ‘bug’ and transitioned my marketing skill set to media. Strategic marketing and content development has become the perfect place for my natural creative concept mindset coupled with strategic marketing sensibilities.

Early on I yearned to become an even better marketer in media, so I started at the bottom of the news ladder as a production assistant and was promoted through the ranks to a News Producer.   

I’ve covered notable news stories such as Hurricane Katrina, London Bombings, Breaking Local News Stories, Multiple Political Elections, Long-Form Anniversary Specials, and Strategic Short Form Sales vignettes.  I have experience in field, live control room production, crash & long form production.   

Due to my strategic marketing background, I was often tapped to translate content goals to sales and strategic partners; I understood the business objectives yet was creative enough to develop solutions that were organic for organizations and successful partnerships. 


In addition, I leveraged my creative core to develop news/entertainment content for mobile and web platforms.  I was nominated for an Emmy for the development of ‘rich’ informative multi-platform content for NBC’s Education Nation.   

A highlight of one of my accomplishments within ad sales includes developing a multi-platform custom solution for a major telecommunications client --the deal closed and the ‘highly sought after client’ regained renewed confidence to advertise on Syfy’s platforms.   

I truly believe in this statement from Harvard Business Review, “Emphasis must shift: from ideas to execution and from leadership excellence to organizational excellence.”

At 11Alive, I had an opportunity to put that business affirmation into action. Revitalizing 11Alive’s Black History Month.

Revitalizing the creative elements, client, and overall marketing and tiered sales strategy to execute Black History Month. 11Alive’s “Respect the Past, Celebrate the Future” mantra was exciting for the community and sales teams, leading to an 110% increase in revenue coupled with new diverse business clients for the station.

As you can see, I love my career within marketing and creative side of media. Always thriving in team and matrix-ed organizations.   

Colleagues will tell you, “I strive to not just do my job — but become the fabric of an organization!”